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 Is overpopulation going to be the end of us? (4)

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judgemaster(265) pic

Is overpopulation going to be the end of us?

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There's a good chance it will be. We're running out of food, water, oil, etc. The gap between the haves and the have-nots will widen, and wars will be fought over what resources remain. But we could also die out before then for a different reason.

1 point

Without a doubt. The worlds already starting to run out of resources. More people=more consumption. The more people in the world the faster we use up resources. It'll keep growing exponentially. The reason this is happening is becouse there is no natural predator on the human being to balance our numbers. Being evolved will end up killing everything on the planet

1 point

Probably, because with overpopulation comes reduction of our world's resources. And the lost of our world;s resources comes starvation, death,and the likes.

No. Countries can be educated through birth control and the free administration of contraceptives.