
Debate Info

population is an obstacle population not an obstacle
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 population is an obstacle (1)
 population not an obstacle (3)

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Arya30(74) pic

Is population an obstacle in a countries developement or not?

population is an obstacle

Side Score: 1

population not an obstacle

Side Score: 3
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1 point

No population is not an obstacle in development of a country.If the population is literate one it will surely help the countries development.

Side: population not an obstacle
1 point

Do you mean too little or too great of a population? Or could you mean the populace, as in the citizens?

Side: population not an obstacle
1 point

Yes, I did mean the populace. If the all the citizens are literate or take maximum of them then it gives a boost to the countries economy leading it to its development.

Side: population not an obstacle
J-Roc77(70) Disputed
1 point

Japan has an issue with its' populace in that they have a large portion of old people and not so much younger.

Workforce turnover in the next 30 or so years is expected to be an issue. A study by the UN stated that the country will have to let huge amounts of immigrants in (10 million per year for about 50 years) to replace the job needs or raise their retirement age to 77 to maintain a workforce. This itself is a large obstacle for development.

Link to the study. overall.htm

I am also bit confused as to what you are arguing. You note that if the citizens are literate they will not be an obstacle to development however the converse of that statement would also hold true; if the populace were illiterate the country would have an obstacle to development.

In both the instance I brought up and your own the populace can present an obstacle to development.

Side: population is an obstacle
Arya30(74) Clarified
1 point

I meant to say that population being an obstacle in a countries development depends on the type of population. if the populace is literate then it helps in development but if populace is not literate then it certainly will be an obstacle.Also it depends on the age ratio. if country's 40% or take 50% populace comes in the age group of 1yr-16yrs,60yrs+(we may call this group as dependent group,as it doesn't earn in most of the countries) and the remaining 60% or 50% populace comes in the age group of 17yrs-59yrs (which may be called as working class,as most people in this age group are working) ; then the country is certainly leading to development or at the worst at least it is not leading to economic unstability of the nation.

Side: population is an obstacle