
Debate Info

Definitely No way
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Definitely (5)
 No way (2)

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tyronjamison(81) pic

Is president Obama overrated?


Side Score: 7

No way

Side Score: 2
1 point

His approval ratings show most of America is displeased with him, but in the eyes of some he is Black Jesus and are too stubborn to be convinced otherwise.

Side: Somewhat

If you don't support Obama, then you are a racist.----------------

Side: Definitely
1 point

definitely, the fact that he is the first black president made all the black people vote for him and then there's those white folks who live in the black dominated towns who are therefore forced to vote for him as well

Side: Definitely
1 point

He is overrated in the sense that so many black people think that he is some kind of saving grace, whereas he is just a president with low approval ratings and bad policies.

Side: Definitely
1 point

Bwhahahahaha! Hell yes! That's the under statement of the week! he sucks!

Side: Definitely
1 point

I wouldn't say he is overrated anymore because the majority of the country seems to have caught on to how poor of a president he is, as seen in his 55% disapproval rating. He never came through on almost every one of his campaign promises. As a campaigner, however, he is a genius and that will probably be the reason he gets re-elected, because it certainly won't be because of his job performance.

Side: NO WAY

The President can be based on his popularity on his own merits.

Side: No way