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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:6
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 No! (3)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Is television a bad influence?

Do you think that television is one of the source contributing to the level of corruption within society? Do you also think that television can have a huge impact on the lives of people being that it is a tool of information which can either be good or bad and also a tool of entertainment that can have either a bad or good influence? What is your opinion  on this matter?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

Think of a day passing without T.V. ?What happens........You shudder don`t you?

Television is a universal entertainer.

Side: Yes!

Well, no, but it depends on what programming is being watched. If History Channel or Discovery, then no; otherwise, it could be.

Side: No!

TV is for entertainment but also for gathering the news and for a source of information. TV can be educational.

Side: No!
0 points

Television is a high-tech invention wherein there are lots of benefits and advantages we could get from this technology. This TV is assembled and created for many purposeful reasons: entertainment, information, leisure, educational, etc. These things are advantageous wherein it could provide the beneficial sources to the people. You could say that a television is a bad influence depending on the show being flashed on the screen. Yet it is one of the most outstanding and successful inventions as it could deliver the source of inquiry to the society. It's the people's responsibility on how they limit the usage of this type of man-made invention. Yet the real thing is that it is a reliable technology as it does not show a bad influence.

Side: No!