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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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Is the Cardinal's 2011 World Series berth one of the greatest stories in baseball?

The Cardinals were 10.5 games behind the Braves and 6.0 games behind the Giants in the NL Wild Card on August 25, and 8.5 games back on August 30, but in September they slowly crept closer to the Braves, being 5.5 games back on September 10, 2.5 games back on September 20, and tied on the last game in the regular season, and they went on to beat the Astro's 8-0, while the Braves lost to the Phillies in extra innings in 11.  The Cardinals then went on to play the World Series Favorite-Phillies in the NLDS, everyone expected a sweep by the Phillies, but the Cardinals won in 5, winning 1-0 in game five as Chris Carpenter pitched a 3-hit shutout against Roy Halladay. The Cardinals went on to play their division Rivals, Brewers in the NLCS, once again, the Brewers were the favorites, but the Cardinals won in 6. Now the St. Louis Cardinals, Not even expected to BE in the postseason at all, get ready to play the Texas Rangers in Game 1 of the World Series tommorow. Goes to show, anything can happen in the postseason.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0
1 point

Yes. GO Cardinals! I'm so proud to be a Cardinal fan right now!

Side: yes

Born in St.Louis! Booyakasha !

Side: yes

Are the Cardinals the greatest story in baseball ever? Maybe. Is it a great story? Yes. The success of the 2011 Cardinals is evidence that non revenue sharing does work, and high salaries doesn't always mean great success. Success is the team, not money paid. The Cardinals are the 11th highest paid team while the Rangers are the 13th highest paid team. USA Today

Matter of fact, all four teams in the LCS were not in the top 10 highest paid teams in the league.

Side: yes
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