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It is It isn't
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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 It is (2)
 It isn't (6)

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Mariel33(456) pic

Is the meaning of life to cancel all existence?

It is

Side Score: 3

It isn't

Side Score: 8
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No .

Side: It isn't
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

If it isn't, does that confirm the meaning of life doesn't exist? What does it mean, if the meaning of life is the status quo, and the status quo means questions about if life has meaning?

Side: It is
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

You are correct, there is no uniform meaning to life, other than perhaps propagation.

Side: It is
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Do you have any evidence for any of this? I don't see any evidence for what you are saying.

Side: It is
1 point

Your statement assumes that there is a meaning to life and that's a big assumption in my mind. I don't think there is a meaning to life, so my answer to the question would be: No.

Side: It isn't
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

Do you agree that reality is quantity (which explains why news media exists, as does daily routine, or history lessons), and that if life has no meaning, the onus to prove the non-existence of meaning is equal to what the onus would be did meaning exist?

Side: It is
ipkis(8) Clarified
1 point

Reality could be quantified since it isn't infinite but I'm not sure how that relates to the second part of your question. Proving non-existence is practically impossible and I'm not following what "equal to what the onus would be did meaning exist" means.

Side: It is
1 point

No....The meaning of life is NOT to cancel all existence.

But it IS to survive. And also to further the species. To replicate. To produce offspring.

This is not the philosophical answer, of course. I am speaking only insofar as Biology and Evolution are concerned.

DNA does not "care" about philosophy. It just is. DNA is a molecule whose sole purpose is to store and transfer information (via rNA) that allows its host organism to live, grown and propagate.

Now...when this happens successfully, that is when a particular species thrives and dominates over its competitors in its particular eco-system, then yeah, some of those other less-successful, less "fit" species and sub-species DO die off. This is why 99% of ALL the species of flora and fauna who have ever lived on this planet at one time or another are now extinct. Gone for good.

Through Selective Inheritance only the genetic mutations which prove advantageous to its host are kept. Or, as we say in Biology, are "selected IN." Your DNA molecules can act as tiny switches, either coding themselves to turn on or off. That is, select "in" or "out."

But the genes--what Richard Dawkins and others have called the "selfish genes" don't care or know one way or the other about their competitors. Their primary job is to survive. No matter what the cost.

One caveat I feel compelled to add here, as a sort of clarification in my above statement: I was speaking of Biological entities in a Macro scale. Like, say, one particular species of reptile in a forest.

On a micro scale, like within our own bodies, we DO have an immune system with anti-bodies and molecules called histamines that ARE tasked to kill harmful invaders, like bacteria and viruses. SO in this sense, and in this sense alone, I think, it would be accurate to claim that their meaning of life--their sole purpose--is to "cancel the existence" of what they deem to be harmful invaders.

Hope this helps. Thanks.

Side: It isn't
Mariel33(456) Clarified
1 point

But what if referencing as a behaviour (including talking about if life has meaning) is the extension of what you just referenced yourself - evolutionary history?

Could it not be further process of evolution - to manipulate reality, via behaviours such as to question why the Universe exists?

Side: It is
0 points

Life means God is good. Life does not mean General Flame is supposed to make babies.

Side: It isn't