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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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Apollo(1590) pic

Is there anything wrong with doing the right thing for the wrong reason?

Right Action. Wrong Intentions. Anything wrong with that?




Side Score: 1


Side Score: 2

Isn't it wrong simply in that you have the wrong intentions?

Many people value sentiment more than action, so in their eyes it would still be wrong. Or at least, less 'right'.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes, if the action is taken specifically to create a dense of debt in the recipient.

But if it's something like someone donating resources because they want to show off, not because they really care, then no. The resources have the same impact either way.

Side: No
1 point

I wouldn't argue that it's morally wrong or "wrong" in the sense that it invalidates whatever was done "right". The example that comes to mind for me, is a guy who encourages a girl he likes to break up with an abusive partner. It's beneficial for someone to leave an abusive relationship, but encouraging someone to leave so they might date you is a manipulative thing to do.

I suppose the question must be asked, what are right and wrong reasons to do things? Those are terms made up by us. I guess the "right" and "wrong" thing to do depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Side: Neither