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TheThinker(1688) pic

Is there really a such thing as an Accidental Pregnancy.


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 13

Some people think they are taking the necessary precautions that do not absolutely always work, so yes an accidental pregnancy can happen.

Side: yes
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

Yes, most birth control methods are not always completely effective. But this does not make an accidental pregnancy. There is a previously known chance that the precautions may not work in a rare case. It does not change the fact that the pregnancy was caused for a reason, that being sexual intercourse.

Side: No
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
2 points

This is like saying that car crashes are never accidental, you have all the precautions in place but sometimes they just don't work. Maybe brakes didn't work, or the steering wheel locked.

Side: yes
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

I just saw that Zombee has made the same argument, still holds though.

Side: yes

Engaging in sexual intercourse is hardly accidental. Nobody has sex, and then says oops, wrong partner, sorry. Accidental pregnancy is not possible. It is an excuse because precautions or responsibility were not followed.

Side: No
zombee(1014) Disputed
3 points

"Engaging is driving a car is hardly accidental. Nobody drives a car then says oops wrong lane, sorry. An accidental car wreck is not possible. It is an excuse because precautions or responsibility were not followed."

Just because you engage in an activity doesn't mean any potential consequences are not accidental. If you're walking and you trip, do you have to say you tripped on purpose just because you know you can sometimes trip when you're walking?

Side: yes
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
1 point

I don't mean to be rude and im not yelling at you. (This is the bases for all my arguements :) )

I reread your "car" example. I understand that everytime i get into the car i could get into an accident. Same with sex. When someone engages in sex, preganancy is a possibility.

However, in dispute, the two anologies are quite different in a small way. The term "accident" means unintentionally. If i get into a car crash without any intention, that is unintentionally or an accident. However, the release of sperm cannot be unintentional because orgasms tells the man that sperm is on its way out of the penis.

The only way i see pregnancy as an accident is coming up with possible crazy scenarios. Like if a guy tries to have sex without a condom. And when he is about to orgasm, tries to pull his penis out of the vagina, and his idiot friend pushes him back in and...oops.

I don't know if there is any other way for the sperm to get out of the penis without letting the man know. I don't know if there is such a thing as a feeling "less" orgasm. Heck, i don't know if you need an orgasm at all to release the sperm. The man could be mentally impaired that feelings can come late to him.

Side: No
1 point

No, because whenever you have sex, there is a chance that pregnancy will occur, no matter what birth control method is used. Therefore, using this excuse as a reason to get an abortion is blasphemy.

Side: No
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Therefore, using this excuse as a reason to get an abortion is blasphemy.

How exactly?

Side: yes
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

Because a small error in the condom factory should not equate to the termination of a human fetus.

Side: No

If you know what leads to pregnancy and partake in it any ways, even without intent of getting pregnant and with protection, you can't really call a pregnancy accidental.

If you knowingly take a course of action A with a probability P, and the opposite event A' occurs with probability 1-P when you attempt A, even though you intended for action A to occur, you knowingly and intentionally risked A' and thus when A' occurs it can't be called accidental. Only in cases where you did not knowing risk A' can it's occurrence be called accidental because then the intent of risking it wasn't present.

Put in another way, if the probability of A is not 1 and you know it, then when you intentionally attempt to do A, you are also attempting to intentionally do A or not A. If its otherwise, then Its like saying you didn't intentionally meant for one answer to be valid to a equation you wrote when you knew and noticed it had two valid answers when you wrote it.

I suppose what i'm saying is that you don't intentionally preform A or not A, you preform a function whose result has a probability of preforming one or the other.

I can pull out some relative probability to make it even clearer.

Side: No