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Ewww gross! What a great gift idea!
Debate Score:1
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LittleMisfit(1745) pic

Is this a good gift idea for the father of someone you want to marry?

I want to buy a gift for the father of the woman I want to marry. I figured the Bible is a great place to get ideas from, so after searching I found one but I would like your opinion on it. Here's the gist of the story...

David wanted to become son-in-law to the rich and powerful King Saul...uhum...I mean he fell deeply in love with the kings daughter...whatever her name was. The King wasn't about to give up his daughter for free; he wanted the forskins of 100 Philistines in exchange for his daughter's hand in marriage. Why would he want foreskins you ask? Well, he said it was to take revenge on the Philistines, but I think it's because he was circumcised but really wanted to get a foreskin piercing because they were all the rage at the time. He wanted 100 to choose from so he could get just the right size. Anyway, I digress. David thought to himself, "100 foreskins? Hah, that's nothing. I shall bring him 200 bloody festering foreskins. My skill at chooping off foreskins is unparalleled." So David did just that. He returned to the King and counted out 200 foreskins one by one. The king was impressed and agreed to let David marry his daughter. After finding a foreskin that fit just right, the King served the rest as appetizers at his daughters wedding and they lived happily ever after.* 
1 Samuel 18:24-27

So what do you think? Is that a good gift idea?  If so, how many foreskins should I give him?  I really want to make a good impression Laughing

*The original story may vary slightly

Ewww gross!

Side Score: 1

What a great gift idea!

Side Score: 0
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