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No. Yes.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 No. (8)
 Yes. (3)

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TMadden38(186) pic

Is this website a complete waste of time?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 3
3 points

all the contrary. You have no idea how much I've learned here, being a 15 year old gifted kid that absorbs everything. Look for debates that matter to you and you can build better understandings of both sides. some people may change your side with their brilliant arguments. What it comes down to is your interacting with hundreds of intellectual people which can't possibly be a waste of time.

Side: No.
1 point

I have decided to change my answer from yes to no. This website does give me something to do in my spare time.

Side: No.

An argument can almost never change someones mind so if your here for that its probably a waist of time. If your here because you want to know what other people think, to understand different perspectives and opinions, or if you want to practice expressing your own opinion its a great site and the best of its kind.

Side: No.
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

TMadden just changed his mind and i change my mind a lot also............................

Side: Yes.

Good for you..............................................................................=)

Side: Yes.
1 point

I love this site. I love debating, and I'm so glad that I found this site where I can have mature, and intellectual, debates. A place where I can learn new perspectives, and strengthen my own.

Also, I really enjoy most of the regulars, the people I talk to on a regular bases who can make me laugh, or think.

This site gives a lot. And it can be educational when people are making good debates.

And I'd rather be wasting my free time on here than doing something like watching TV...

Side: No.
1 point

Thats another good point; the people you meet. It sounds corny but its true. .. ..

Side: No.
2 points

Lol, it is kind of corny, but so true.

Not to mention you get different kinds of conversations on here that you may not be able to get elsewhere in your life.

Side: No.

No, it lets me play on things when I don't want to do schoolwork... AND at home... sometimes... mostly at school.... like right now.... that reminds me.... I need to do my work.....hmmmm, nahhhhhhh

Side: No.

Absolutely not.

I've been on this site for a relatively decent amount of time, and I've loved every minute of it. You meet so many new and interesting people from all over the world here, something you don't often get the privilege of doing in your day to day life at work or whatever else. There are people on here that make me facepalm, and people that make me think, there are those that make me laugh, or brighten up my day. I value everyone on here, and it's a great way to spend my free time :)

Side: No.
1 point

Yes I think that this website is a complete waste of time because some of the debates are really stupid. There are a few good debates on this site but the rest of the debates are just really stupid.

Side: Yes.