
Debate Info

I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 I agree. (7)
 I disagree. (2)

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Sitara(11075) pic

It is usually not hateful to disagree.

I am tired of people who act like the mere act of disagreement is so hateful, and all political positions do this, all religions do this. How about some freedom of belief for a change?

I agree.

Side Score: 10

I disagree.

Side Score: 2
2 points

Disagreeing with someone or having a different point of view is not wrong as long as your not obnoxious about it, the only time its hateful is if your obnoxious about it

Side: I agree.
1 point

Correct. I agree 100% with what you are saying. :)

Side: I agree.
2 points

Immature people who cannot accept others point of view are a disgust to the civilization.

Side: I agree.
1 point

So true, so true. :)

Side: I agree.
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

Without them you would be breading machine in some cave .

Side: I disagree.
2 points

If anything, we should happy to disagree. Disagreing and debating our differences can make us learn something about the world, and about ourselves. So actually when I disagree, I like to see debates as an invitation to learn something (although such an attitude is very hard to maintain)...

Side: I agree.
1 point

For once we agree on something. Well said. :)

Side: I agree.

Im gonna have to disagree because whenever someone disagrees with you, you know in the back of your mind, you are thinking (and no offense at all to anybody) you are thinking "are you fucking serious? you REALLY think that way? wtf?"

And that's kind of hateful, maybe not directly hateful, but its still hateful

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Wrong. It is not hateful to disagree. Me disagreeing with someone does not make me hateful.

Side: I agree.