
Debate Info

Fact Fiction
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 Fact (9)
 Fiction (1)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Jesus Christ: Fact or Fiction?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 2
1 point

Sadly Jesus Christ is a fact i have to put up with his daily whining about wanting to go back to earth.

Side: Fact

Kids, eh. Who'd have em?

Tis what you get though for going on that bender in Nazareth and knocking up that tramp.

Side: Fact
1 point

Jesus Christ is ams fact! He visited da Liechtenstein country to says "Well hellos to all of yous good Liechtensteiners! You is ams going to hell!" whats a nice male human.

Side: Fact
2 points

What's up with your posts today? Either this is Trolling on an epic scale or your wasted, either way they've me laugh, keep up the good work!!

Side: Fact
ricedaragh(2482) Clarified
1 point

That's a mimic account.

Side: Fact
1 point

Historical yes, there are many who dispute his existence, but there is more evidence for then then against.

Side: Fact

Jesus Christ is mentioned in history books so He really did exist.

Side: Fact
0 points

Jesus was a real person... the question is whether He was God or not.

So in that essence, yes, because "Christ" means Messiah.

Side: Fact

Jesus of Nazareth: Fact

Jesus Christ: Fiction

Side: Fiction