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Sentence #1 is correct Sentence #2 is correct
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Sentence #1 is correct (2)

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Dyphs(55) pic

Language Arts Homework

Yeah, as the title says, this debate is about my language homework. I KNOW this is probably stupid, but the majority of debators here (hopefully) are literate/college grads. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to homework and tests, or anything that plays a role on my grades, and I am NOT willing to get anything lower than a 95%, thus I'm going to the extent of asking our community to determine which of these two sentences are grammatically correct:

1) David's inclement comments to his friend created a division between them. Their friendship was never the same again.

2) He will conduct the meet for his company.

Now before you start debating, I need to clarify something--"inclement" refers to weather, so is it not inappropriate to use it in such a sentence? Plus, the subject of sentence one is "comments," so it would be erroneous to say that the comments and "his friend" created a division between "them."
And number two uses the word "meet," but should it not be "meeting" instead?
Of the two, which is grammatically correct?

Sentence #1 is correct

Side Score: 3

Sentence #2 is correct

Side Score: 0
1 point

Exercises are always pressure on students, let's increase their creativity and real exposure to reduce the pressure of daily learning.

easy how to draw

Side: Sentence #1 is correct
1 point

Improving writing skills is a must. i support this. I have been looking for this information for a long time, thank you very much, the information in the article has helped me a lot in my work.

Supporting Evidence: OvO game (
Side: Sentence #1 is correct
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