
Debate Info

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 Libertarian1 for the best damn argument ever (10)

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Sitara(11075) pic

Libertarian1 for the best damn argument ever

Okay, look at my first comment. I am having computer issues.

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1 point

Libertarian1 says: I hold natural rights to be inherent to a rational human being. By which I mean that a human being properly using the faculties of his mind to assess his well-being naturally comes to conclusions about means to promote that well-being when in contact with other human beings. If we are not dealing with a rational individual who isn't concerned with his well-being, than no, natural rights are not an inherent part of how we interact with him.

1 point

Is is far from the best argument ever, but I appreciate the thought. Good news is, discussion over this is now far more likely.

I'm not saying this because of your profile picture, but you really do sound like Ayn Rand. Go team Libertarian!

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Thanks love. Even though we differ on a lot, we can come together over logic and truth. :)