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 Looking for a gentle groomer for my anxious pup (3)

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dkario(49) pic

Looking for a gentle groomer for my anxious pup

Ugh, I'm at my wit's end trying to find a good dog groomer for my nervous little guy. My pup, Toby, gets so stressed out at the groomers, it's heartbreaking to watch. He's such a sweet boy but has major anxiety, and I want to make sure he's in good hands. Anyone have recommendations for a groomer in Calgary that's super patient and gentle with anxious dogs? I'll be forever grateful for any tips!
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1 point

Hello, mate! I know exactly what you're going through with Luna. My sweet little buddy, Charlie, went through a period where he seemed a bit down and uninterested in his usual activities. Thankfully, I stumbled upon this amazing dog grooming paradise. Book your dog's grooming appointment in Calgary now! Their team of skilled groomers has a magical touch, bringing out the natural beauty of our furry friends and giving them the confidence to shine.

1 point

I took my dog Cherry to this salon, really great service, so advise. give it your attention!

When seeking a groomer for your anxious pup, prioritize patience and understanding. Look for groomers experienced in handling nervous dogs, who create a calm environment and employ gentle techniques. It's essential to communicate your dog's needs clearly and ensure the grooming experience is as stress-free as possible for your furry friend.

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