
Debate Info

Bulgarian Macedonia Macedonian Autnonomy
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Macedonian Autnonomy (1)

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AlekOfBulgar(1) pic

Macedonian Question

Bulgarian Side

  1. Macedonia has been part of Bulgaria since Bulgaria's creation 683.
  2. They speak a mutually intelligible dialect of Bulgarian, like you may compare America's English to Britain's.
  3. Culture and reilgion are the exact same and 50% of Macedonian songs are played in my home and vice versa for a Macedonian.
  4. My family's heritage is from Macedonia and vice versa for a Macedonian; same blood.                                                                                  


  1. Already a country.
  2. Feeling of  nationality for history and culture; which is Greek and Bulgarian.
  3. Macedonian Bulgarians being convinced of being Serbs.

Bulgarian Macedonia

Side Score: 0

Macedonian Autnonomy

Side Score: 1
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1 point

Firstly, I support the Bulgarian side of the argument, since it is a fact that Macedonian history today is artificially written by borrowing famous faces from Greek and Bulgarian history. It is a fact that the Macedonians called themselves Bulgarians until the 20th century before the creation of Yugoslavia.

My problem does not come up from ancient and medieval history until the Ottoman liberation, rather it focuses on more recent history.

The Macedonian Question, as it came up during the national uprisings against the long standing Turks, started popularising between many Bulgarians. The most famous is Krste Petkov Misirkov, who wrote "On the Macedonian Matters" where he clearly states the view that all nations from the region of Macedonia, Including Greeks, Bulgarians and Serbs (as he calls them Macedonian Slavs), Albanians, Aromanians etc. should unite into one nation (Macedonian) and one motherland (Macedonia), since uniting the entire region into either Bulgaria, Serbia or Greece would ignite various problems. The idea of a separate Macedonian entity was, and still is, the best choice for the region.

Side: Macedonian Autnonomy