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 Make up some Shakespearean insults (or tell me ones you like) (6)

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Somewhat(67) pic

Make up some Shakespearean insults (or tell me ones you like)

I think that Shakespearean insults are very creative and funny as well. If we could all talk like Shakespeare, we would all be insulting one another...but hey, Shakespeare probably didn't get out much.

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Thou hast soiled thy pantaloons with thine seed from bellow, for thou hast taken lustful action towards thy copy of thy sears catalog.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

What the bloody fuck.


2 points

Is thou art confused, or does thine three brain cells be lollygaging?

2 points

Doth thou mother know you weareth her drapes?


1 point

Art thou a menstruative wench or mere a rapscallion? For gentlewomen such as myself do not unthinkingly do such unwholesome acts such as jumping queues...

Thou art a fat kidneyed haggard! Thou hast stolen the face of a baboon!

I actually said that to some yobbos abusing us at the park. It didn't go well...