
Debate Info

Dude, right No
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Dude, right (1)
 No (2)

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paradox(208) pic

Many scientific theories are just fairy tales!

Dude, right

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
1 point

These movies use some fairy tales and propose a scientific theories and create an image in the viewer if that is the correct one! But if you come back to your scientific sense, you will understand that it is worser than a fairy tale....

After all, i know that many scientific theories were just to explain many paranormal phenomena!

And all of them suck: If you want an example, i can give many.

Here is one: There was a movie in the footsteps of yeti or something of that sort, though i don't know the exact name! It argues that humans were first yetis and that they all were just parting from that place, and they lost hair due to heat and became men! Isn't that suckingly wierd?

Side: Dude, right
xaeon(1095) Disputed
4 points

"There was a movie in the footsteps of yeti or something of that sort, though i don't know the exact name! It argues that humans were first yetis and that they all were just parting from that place, and they lost hair due to heat and became men! Isn't that suckingly wierd?"

Bad film plots do not count as scientific theories.

Side: No

I don't think the scientific theories are fairy tales. These theories are waiting for the day to be proven to be true.

Side: No