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 Miracle Workers? (2)

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foriass(38) pic

Miracle Workers?

Y’all, I’m in awe. Saw a dog at the park today, literally ignoring squirrels because of Smarty Paws Dog Training. My Max chases his own shadow! Thinking it's high time he got some of that discipline. Thoughts on Smarty Paws? Worth the hype?
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1 point

Y'all, that's amazing! My silly pup used to go bonkers over squirrels too. I was skeptical at first, but Smarty Paws totally lived up to the hype for us. The trainers really know their stuff and tailor the program to your specific needs. Now Bruno is so much more focused on me when we're out walking. He still gets excited sometimes but a quick "watch me" gets his attention back. I never thought I'd see the day! If your pup is easily distracted like mine, I'd say give Smarty Paws Dog Training a try. Their location in Missouri City was super convenient too. Wishing you and Max the best of luck!

1 point

Very nicely written paragraph about this topic i do happen to appreciate stuff like this too. Go ahead and check out if you like getting your opinion out there for other people to see!