
Debate Info

Money Adulation
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 Money (1)
 Adulation (1)

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hhioh(450) pic

Money vs adulation (as a motivating factor)

Both are used in day-to-day life, but which is more effective in motivating a person: giving them more money, or showering them with adulation?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1

Money is the big incentive. Someone can buy lots of nice things with money.

Side: Money
1 point

For me personally, I would find adulation to be a much more motivating factor as it of more worth than money. Sure, with money you could buy things, but at the end of the day is that really why we are here? Adulation reaches for something more than money and gives us a better satisfaction (especially if it is from somebody you respect / are in awe of)

Side: Adulation