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 Multiculturalism has failed. (3)

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Taqwacore(668) pic

Multiculturalism has failed.

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2 points

I disagree with this preposition. Multiculturalism has not failed; but it is a social model with will invariably result in short-term problems and long-term gains. New cultures take at least 1 - 2 generations to fully integrate into an adopted society and it can talk almost as long for the adopted society to integrate the culture of migrant populations. History tells is that Irish, Chinese, Italian, etc. migrants were all stigmatized at some point and that there was always considerable fear that these ethnic groups would never fully integrate into Western society. However, they not only integrated but made significant contributions to our society in time.

What was it trying to do?

It was a really bad idea to import primitives from middle east into civilized counties. It's time to return them back :D