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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:12
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 microsoft (4)

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DarkElfMage(61) pic

My aunt freaked out when I told her I'm a socialist.

I already told yall niggas about my cousin who idolizes Stalin, and how his mom is a die hard Trump deep throating republican. But one day when she was pontificating about how sexy Trump's tax policies are I told her I'm a socialist. She literally started cussing at me and giving me the old "do you want the government doling out rations to you like a slave?" When I tried to explain what socialism actually is she kept screaming like a lunatic about communism and the federal budget and whatnot. Then I got tired of it and pretended that I was just pretending to be a socialist, then I showed her an Alex Jones video about gay frogs.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 8
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