
Debate Info

Yes, I Agree No, I don't Agree
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, I Agree (3)
 No, I don't Agree (1)

Debate Creator

alstars(739) pic

Nature:Both Creator and Destroyer?

Yes, I Agree

Side Score: 3

No, I don't Agree

Side Score: 1
1 point

Yeh nature is both creator and destroyer.

It creates and destroys. It is a mode of recycle process

Side: Yes, I agree

Nature can be kind with all its beauty but become very cruel with natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes.

Side: Yes, I Agree
1 point

creator. if nature destroys something it has actually just created a void.

Side: No, I don't Agree
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

No it hasn't. When a bug dies.. there isn't some bug void.

Side: Yes, I agree