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Neil Armstrong Dies at Age 82: Were You Inspired by the 'First Man on the Moon'?

On Saturday, at the age of 82, Neil Armstrong died of complications from cardiovascular procedures. Forty-three years ago, on July 20, 1969, he became the first person to set foot on the moon, declaring, “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” In addition to his historic steps on the moon, which were watched intently on TV by an estimated 600 million people worldwide, Armstrong will be remembered for his strong character and deep humility.

“While we mourn the loss of a very good man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves,” said the Armstrong family statement.

The statement went on, “For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.”



Side Score: 7


Side Score: 5

We should honor the fact he reported seeing aliens on the moon! RIP NEIL!

Side: Yes
CriticalCat(13) Disputed
1 point

Provide evidence.


Side: No
1 point

if you find this not credible just research astronauts and aliens

you will also have to realize he couldnt just come straight out and say aliens exist, plus there is TONS of evidence, you will not get 100% proof but you will get evidence that when looked at logically, and add it all up, aliens do exist, and neil armstrong never denied seeing aliens on the moon

Side: Yes
1 point

yes.....neil armstrong inspired us a lot...he was the first man on the i think he was having strong will power and enthu person..............

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes actually I was, it took courage to embark on such a mission seeing as the USA's first attempt failed epically and the Russians were leading the space race y that point, having sent Yuri Gagarin around the earth in April 1961. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" a quotation that should never be lostto history. Rest in peace Neil, you shant be forgotten.

Side: Yes

He was a living legend during that time and he was all over the news.

Side: Yes
2 points

Not really.... I was just a fetus at the time.

Side: No
1 point

There has been scientific evidence that they may think that Neil Armstrong was not the first man on the moon. We remember him as he said that quote i cant even remember now. I most definitely wasnt inspired by him especially when i wasnt even alive. I do admire those who arent showoffs

Side: No