
Debate Info

Yes, Obama is right No, Obama is wrong
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, Obama is right (2)
 No, Obama is wrong (1)

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myclob(437) pic

Obama is right on Vouchers

"Where we disagree is on the idea that we can somehow give out vouchers as a way of securing the problems in our education system." ~ 2008 third presidential debate against John McCain Oct 15, 2008

Yes, Obama is right

Side Score: 2

No, Obama is wrong

Side Score: 1
1 point

I like the idea of creating competition amongst schools, however I don't like the idea of using public tax dollars to pay for private religion based Parochial schools. I think the school of choice utilizing "open enrollment" is an attempt to solve this issue, and from what I've seen has been pretty successful.

Side: Yes, Obama is right

Yes. He is right on this issue. Parents should be helped with obtaining vouchers for their children.

Side: Yes, Obama is right
1 point

Obama is Rich. He sends his kids to private schools. So the rich people get to have choices, but poor people have to send their kids to the school that they are assigned to based upon were they can afford to live, so all the poor kids have to go together, and no parents gets to choose why type of education their kids have.

Sort of unrelated, but I think we should try to analyze the motivation of those who agree and disagree. Because we often pretend that it is logic that makes us believe things. However, we often have hidden feelings, backgrounds, and agendas that make us support a different belief. I love how we are able to post reasons to agree and disagree, but wish we could also post probable motivation of those who agree or disagree. For instance for this belief:

Probable interest (or motivation) of those who agree:

1. Republican Party Affiliation (40%)

2. They agree with the argument, outside of any interest or alterior motivation (30%)

3. Political laziness & issue crossover (15%) (they disagree with Obama on other issues, so everything he says is wrong.)

4. The desire to see more competition in Education (20%).

5. Hope in the future.

6. Desire for equality, and better schools for minorities.

7. Racism (5%) against Obama

8. Dislike for unions (5%).

9. Preference for variety (many different approaches to education)

10. Despair. We have tried everything else, why not try vouchers.

Probable interest (or motivation) of those who disagree:

1. They agree with the argument, outside of any interest or alterior motivation (30%)

2. Democratic party groupism (40%)

3. Political laziness & issue crossover (they support Obama on other issues, and so they support him on everything).

4. Solidarity with the teachers union.

My percentages were my first guess at the percentage of people who either agree or disagree that are motivated by that interest.

Side: No, Obama is wrong