
Debate Info

Chalk him up for 4 more Don't count on it
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 Chalk him up for 4 more (11)
 Don't count on it (2)

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jimbo23(18) pic

Obama's Chances at Reelection

Big election coming up. My personal opinion is that he would have to try to lose it, however I know there are some who do not share my enthusiasm. I would like to here both sides on why and if they are brave enough who should be the next president.


Chalk him up for 4 more

Side Score: 13

Don't count on it

Side Score: 2
2 points

With all the other candidates up for election, than I honestly can't say how he can possibly lose.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

The republicans have been bouncing around candidates like hot potatoes, each candidate has seen a temporary surge in the polls with an equally sudden drop (aside from Paul), if they don't get their act together I just don't see them beating out Obama in the next election.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

Funny thing is, Paul is the only one who doesn’t sway with the political wind, he actually knows what he believes in and stays true to that. Having a guy like this stay far behind guys like all the other candidates (Romney, Gingrich and Santorum) i think says more than enough about the Republican party.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

To get the nomination in the Republican party you have to prove you're insane at this point. To be president you'd then have to prove you've been joking for a year.

Obama is going to win by more than he beat McCain by last time.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

Totally agree, how is it that the right wing ideology has gotten so messed up? I honestly (not for a lack of trying) do not understand how people can be so whacked with regards to reason, morality, perspective on the world, etc...

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point 07/27/id/405055

For whatever reason the whole party seems to be drifting further right. I'm amazed how santorum was even a frontrunner when his views are so far outside of the mainstream.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

Yeah, Obama has done great in the past four years!

prove you're insane at this point

Nice, talk about insanity; you keep preaching about how absolutely wonderful Obama is. Look around you.

Side: Don't count on it
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

At this point, it's the lesser of two evils, in my opinion. All the Republican candidates scare me a little bit (or a lot in the case of Santorum), and I really wished the Dems had run someone against Obama just to spice him up a bit. Obama honestly was just kind of an average president, and I don't know why we should reward "average" with a second term. Although relative to his Republican opponents he looks better and better. Actually, on reflecting, for me, Obama is probably like how Romney is for most Republicans.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

This is one of a long list of your disputes without any factual evidence. Do you have some statistics to cite to back up your point of view?

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
1 point

I am going to vote for him and i think that the ideology and intelligence (lack there of) of the republican candidates are not going to jive with most of the people. Obama hasnt had the easiest time of things but i think most people realize that he inherited a huge mess and has done a decent job at cleaning it up considering the domestic and international economy and the character of the wars. Obama all the way :)

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more

It is now 2015 and I am glad that I was included with the majority of voters who elected him for a second term.

Side: Chalk him up for 4 more
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