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 Oh my God, not again... (8)

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Jungelson(3955) pic

Oh my God, not again...

Just figured I would share my thoughts :P

Yep! It's that time of the (whatever time-frame you wish to insert) where a new User arrives who is sure to plaster the site in Bible verses and testaments against 'sodomites, homosexuals, and other sinners'. 

 Be sure to look out for him y'all, he's my best friend :) ( Who incidentally, I could not be bothered to remember his name.. Awfully sorry pal ;) )

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2 points

Are you talking about me I am not asking anything bad I am just saying that gays should be put to death per Leviticus 20:13

Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Oh my God I so hope you're not a troll! I mean that would be boring.. No, I genuinely hope you mean everything you say, that would be so much fun!

But, then again, it would be another reason to weep for mankind...

KEdowen(12) Disputed
3 points

Oh my God I so hope you're not a troll! I mean that would be boring.. No, I genuinely hope you mean everything you say, that would be so much fun!

But, then again, it would be another reason to weep for mankind...

Well I doesn't seem why it is need it the bible says it.

Also I am not saying people should bullying and harass gay people it should just be the government doing the death penalty.

trumpet_guy(503) Disputed
1 point

Have you ever back talked your parents?

KEdowen(12) Disputed
1 point

_Leviticus 20:9?

2 points

I wonder how longer this rebellious world will last...............................................

(note I do not support everything in this video)

God hates the world