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 Oil spill repair suggestions ? (15)

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dacey(1040) pic

Oil spill repair suggestions ?


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The only hope now is stopping oil leak, first. Then, repair will be minimal because even after the clean up after Exxon Valdez accident, there is 21000 gallons of oil still on the shores of Alaska. This spill will dwarf that accident and ecological damage will be for centuries.

As for repair suggestions, not really sure because one, not an engineer or biologist. However, there are multiple suggestion on youtube. Here is one

Not sure if it would work. Looks to simple.

1 point

Love it .

Yes it would work .


This leak is a loooooong way down.

It would have to be fixed by one of those underwater robots.

My only suggestion in mopping up the carnage is using giant sponges....

or perhaps lots of "SHAM WOWS"

2 points

Yeah, there's no fixing it.

But I will say that I am really fucking tired of seeing that douchebag CEO of BP on TV saying this and that how they're working on it.

I demand a public burning.

If I piss in a lake I at least get a fine, what the fuck has this grab ass gotten?

Total B fucking S. I'm sooooooo sick of these corporations thinking they have sole rights to the entire earth, and the second they fuck it up, "oh, it's not our fault we uh, don't know what the fuck we're doing that's all."

Screw BP and all oil. I'll start riding my bicycle everywhere until they figure out energy independence if it means not giving these assholes another dime.

Side: public burnings
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

just because there is a mistake does not mean you condemn all oil. oil is used for much more then transportation. in fact if there was a oil shortage we would face starvation because we use oil in our agricultural pesticides to grow food faster and to protect it from the environment.

Side: blame russia and finnish the war
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Just because we use oil, doesn't mean we should use oil.

Don't be big oil's bitch. There are plenty of alternatives agriculture and otherwise and we need to nut up and bring down that juggernaut.

Side: public burnings
1 point

Ahh BP.

The Big Pricks.

They know what they are doing.

They are dictators.



They dont care .

They dont have to.

Side: public burnings
1 point

I dont know what its called but its like a snake mesh weave that has the appearance of gauze , that when pulled tight , seals closed. Anyhow a few layers individually applied at loose tension over 5times length of site of leak , then once set in place tension is applied to seal it closed.

Something like that. What would i know.

Side: public burnings

I suggest that people in the future invent a time machine, go back in time and kill the idiot who is running the company, the oil rig and all the other idiots who caused this accident. :)

Side: Time Travel and Assasination
1 point

If only . :)

Side: Time Travel and Assasination
1 point

I am glad to hear Obama has canceled his trip to Australia.

I am absoluteltly appalled at the carnage of this oil spill.

And even moreso at the governments sleepy response at fixing it .

Here we have a classic case of evil.

Do not tell me that they do not have the immediate abillity to fix this.

Of course they do.

Side: Time Travel and Assasination
1 point

I am not an engineer but find it hard to understand since the pipe apparantly has been changed to be able to place a cap on it, why can'tt they place a large enough ball, gate, or screw valve over the end, so that when it is turned to close, only the areas at the end are leaking and could be sealed.

We all know it is a mile down. We know that if this was on the floor of a manufacturing company, it would have been sealed a month ago.

Yes, the movement and work at a mile down is slow because of pressure, but either cage it, fill the cage and seal the cage, or valve it.

This is a fluster cuck of major proportions. These BP men should be out of work like so many of us today. Problem is we are out of work for doing a good job and being over 50 or not fitting into the new hiring tax programs. OK enough about that subject too.

Side: Why cant we put a valve on this
2 points


Most countries require that any pipes have a similar valve to what you describe.

Cheney and his lapdog Bush decided oil shouldn't have to pay the oh so steep price for such a valve, and so B fucking P didn't have one on this pipe. Mother fuckers.

Side: public burnings
1 point

Indeed !

It is disgusting to think that we pay these people so much money to fuck us over.

Bush , Cheney , Howard , Rudd , ETC . Names dont matter.

They are all the same once they take their posi of power.

Its all a game.

Side: public burnings
1 point

They did it .

It took 4 months but they finally plugged it.

Bout time hey. :)

Side: public burnings