
Debate Info

New Sistem Capitalism, Anarquism Comunism
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 New Sistem (3)

Debate Creator

FelipeVieira(8) pic

Old or New Politic Sistem

What is the best choice

New Sistem

Side Score: 4

Capitalism, Anarquism Comunism

Side Score: 0
2 points

For me, it's liberalism, leaning to socialism, and leaning into libertarianism. In other words, people should be free to do as they wish, but the freedom to swing one's arm ends at anothers face. And I believe that the government should do for people what people cannot do for themselves.

Side: New Sistem
1 point

Comunism, capitalism and anarquism don't work. We need a new sistem. A sistem that there will be justice and equality. That's praticly what we need at first place

Side: New Sistem

The new system has all of the latest technology, so, it is the system to stay.

Side: New Sistem
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