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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Online Game or Traditional Game (2)

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jamemadison9(4) pic

Online Game or Traditional Game

Fans of Wordle who are looking for a more difficult challenge will like the duotrigordle game, which is a more difficult word puzzle. You will now have 37 opportunities to guess individual words from a list of 32, rather than attempting to identify just one sentence. The screen will display a total of 32 different boards, and you will only be able to type one word at a time. You are required to read the boards one block at a time while making use of the various colored recommendations in order to locate the maximum number of accurate words. Come on over to duotrigordle and show off your greatest scores online!
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1 point

I am more on duzhe online games, because here you can get real emotions playing with real players.

1 point

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