
Debate Info

Saving other people life's Personal decision
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Saving other people life's (4)

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Sofiana(5) pic

Organ Donation

a. Being an organ donor is persons own choice, a choice that can change aothers world and help others continue a life that they themselefs couldnt live.

b. Many people are selfish but in donating thier organs, it gives them the appourtunity to feel empathy for peopleand familie, who suffers from medical condations.

c. Most religions believes in organ donatio because it is an act of charity and love is also, is the decision of the an individual.

d. million of people around the world waits for people to donat their organs, and an organs can help to save a person life, and give the other thousands of people hop.

Saving other people life's

Side Score: 6

Personal decision

Side Score: 0

Everyone should be forced to donating their organs when they die. When you're dead you don't need your body anymore so it is stupid to refuse have your organs donated. People's religious beliefs should go out of the window. What is best for humanity is more important than peoples crappy belief systems centred around an imaginary friend.

Side: Saving other people life's

Though a personal choice but certainly an act of charity;It's better to save other's lives rather than putting your dead body into coffin or burning it in the open.It has been seen as a progressive measure which has been made compulsory in a couple of countries.

Side: Saving other people life's
1 point

yes, its a pious duty and after all what do u really need after u are dead person. Those people who could see this beautiful world,those who can again live with there happy ones. I would love to donate mine . :)

Side: Saving other people life's

Ive donated everything apart from my eyes just in case I can still see what's going on but cant do anything about it :P

Side: Saving other people life's
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