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Our Human Body is Self Evidence of Evolution.

Here is the reasons why:

We get Goose Bumps, just like other animals when we and they are cold, frightened, angry or in awe.

Also, Humans have structures in their genetic make-up that were once used to produce enzymes to process vitamin C (it is called L-gulonolactone oxidase). Most other animals have this functioning DNA but at some point in our history, a mutation disabled the gene - whilst leaving remnants as junk DNA. This junk DNA indicates a common ancestry with other species on Earth.

We are also have auriculares muscles in our ears that are used by animals to swivel and manipulate their ears in order to focus their hearing, but humans still have these muscles that we would of once used for the very same reason, but now our ear muscles are feeble, and can only do a wiggle.

We also have a Plantaris Muscle that other animals use by gripping objects with their feet- which is something you could see apes doing using their feet and hands. Humans have this muscle to, but it is so underdeveloped that they are often taken out by doctors for other uses for reconstructing other parts of the body. This muscle is now so unimportant, that Evolution has made 9% of people so far to be born without it.

Aand also, early humans used to eat a lot of plants and they needed to eat them quickly enough to gain a sufficient amount of nutrition every day, for this reason, we had evolved extra teeth (Wisdom Teeth) to do so. But as Evolution made it's selections, our diet had changed, rendering these teeth useless.

Humans also used to have a third eye lid and another set of nostrils, but now there are only remnants left within the eye and nose. Our second pair of nostrils receded back inside the nose and our third transparent eyelids went quite small and non-working.  

And also, also, also, we have a particular bone in the lower part of the human body called the "Coccyx," and the Coccyx was in fact, a remnant of what was once a human tail. Over time, and with evolution, we lost the need for a tail and had begun walking on ground instead of swinging through trees. But humans haven't lost the need of a Coccyx, because we know use it to support structure for various muscles to support a person when sitting or leaning back.

And lastly, the appendix- it has no use to modern humans and is often removed when it becomes infected, but in the past, it was evolved when we needed it to help procese the cellulose in our once, leaf-rich diet.

And one more thing, our little toe will actually vanish in the future, for future humans, as it has almost no use. It's already being evolved out of us right now. >_>


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 0
5 points

These are actual facts.

(lol, coccyx...)

Side: Yes
4 points

These facts are quite fascinating.

I have yet to see a Creationist dispute this.

Side: Yes
4 points

It's amazing how barren this debate is of creationists...

I wonder why...

Side: Yes
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