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 Our soul is energy. (10)

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crywolf(31) pic

Our soul is energy.

You know when we die a small weight of energy leaves your body, do you think it's possible thats your soul rising into the atmosphere or into a new born baby, or the electrical current in a light bulb? Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only manifested.
So what happens with the small bit o energy that leaves us at death?

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2 points

What do you mean "manifested"? You say that as if you have some scientific backing of such a thing.

Energy is what is used to do stuff, and it cannot be destroyed, but it can be changed. Example: a pool ball that is moving has energy, it hits another ball and stops, some of the energy transfers to the other ball, some is turned into the sound you hear, some was lost as it wears on the surface of the pool table. Therefore, the second ball moves slower ie energy is lost. Saying the "soul" has energy still after death sounds a lot to me like saying the pool ball is still moving after it stops moving.

We have energy as we are alive and doing stuff. We consume oxygen and food and turn these material things into energy which we use. We stop breathing and eating, we no longer have energy. When we die there is no more energy, the things we have consumed which make up our bodies then decay and turn into something else - usually decay of sorts.

You make you statement as if energy is always energy, it is not, it changes. Mass and energy are interchangeable. Dying we are only mass.

We have no soul, only a brain using energy to do and think stuff. We die, no more energy, no more "soul".

1 point

Most of the energy that leaves you body at death, leaves as heat (the reason corpses are cold; heat is gone). But most of the weight loss is caused by the loss of water, remember that your body is 2/3rds water and at death your cells no longer retain water like they did when you were alive. Your body then returns to the base elements from which it came.

I can't quote anything but I understood that the weight difference theory has been disproven (not the loss but the spiritual implications). I think it was a swedish scientist that just designed a camera to capture a persons aura on film, that's a stonger argument in my opinion considering it can't be dismissed on technicality.

Oh, everything is energy, not just the soul.

1 point

yeah sorry about the "manifested" thing, I couldn't think of the word that it should have been "changed" I thought that manifested kind of sounded close to changed.

Didn't mean to confused anyone.