
Debate Info

Lie Speak my opinion
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Lie (1)
 Speak my opinion (3)

Debate Creator

KatieMarie(288) pic

Outspoken people

We had drum major tryouts in band the other day, and no one is happy with the results. The girls that got it are stuck up and they wont listen to anyone. I started complaining VERY loudly and i was kalled into the directors office, he told me to keep my opinion to myself and try to put the band on a positive note about it because i am a leader in the group. Am i suppose to lie to the group to make them think im happy? Or say what i really think?


Side Score: 1

Speak my opinion

Side Score: 4

When a superior officer gives you an order, whether or not it conflicts with your morals, you must obey.

However, had you not gotten so loud, it is quite possible that nobody would have noticed and you would not have received aforementioned reprimand.

Side: lie
2 points

If you suppress your opinions where are you living? Under the watchful eye of Big Brother?

Though it may not be appropriate to speak your mind all the time, you should always have the choice to. Without the consequence of being punished for having free thought.

Side: Speak my opinion
1 point

Do you want to be happy or successful? Can't have both.

Seriously though, always tell your opinion but be sure no one gets hurt in the process. And at the end of the day if whoever is in charge disagrees let it go or quit.

Side: Speak my opinion
1 point

Never let anyone supress your opinions. This goes for your parents, teachers, society, religion. Never let them tell you to stop.

Because if you do, it will affect your life. If this is just school, and you let people supress your perspectives, then you will go out into the world not having a mind of your own. This has been true for so many people i know, and the people of the world today.

I know it can be hard. If you cant speak aloud, then always remember to keep your view close at heart but never be close minded yourself :)

Side: Speak my opinion