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She is no maverick. She is a maverick
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:27
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 She is no maverick. (5)
 She is a maverick (5)

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Palin is Cheney in drag.

She is no maverick.

Side Score: 8

She is a maverick

Side Score: 12
Winning Side!
2 points

Palin is a great VP pick. In the little time she's been announced she's:

- driven Obama's fund raising even more than before.

- united the women of America. (

- mercy-killed McCain's experience argument.

- testified on the effectiveness of no sexual education.

- proven that a re-run of the Culture Wars is not going to happen this time round.

- made the election about Change (like in change republicans for even crazier republicans).

- made the election about the issues ('Look Charlie! Be a good boy already!').

- made the election about lying.

- let the press turn on McCain.

- and all the other stuff she's done.

I love her as a VP. She's the best pick anybody could have hoped for.

Side: She is no maverick.

There will be people who will want to call her a maverick, but in doing so they will be lowering the bar an awful lot. Sure, she sold the jet and fired the chef, but those are insubstantial, gimmicky, and symbolic. Her fiscal policy was no more radical than the people before her, and if that counts as a maverick I guess anyone can be a maverick without even trying.

Side: She is no maverick.
0 points

She is in to big oil (again, another "oily" politician), she is in to micro-managing people's beliefs (what books to read, how the world was created), she loves "nature" and hunting (but hopefully aims better than Dickie) but thinks nothing of destroying animal habitats and carving up pristine areas; as Mayor, increased the public debt and misdirected public funds to a sports complex over upgrading sewage systems and roads ...Shhh...she also raised taxes!

Cheney is, however, better traveled (on our nickel - oh yes, and Haliburton's.) How many times has Palin been out of the country? Interacted with foreigners or leaders from other countries? (An "up close and personal" between and her and Putin is an absolutely terrifying thought...) If elected, how many wars will her inexperience get us into?

Maverick? I think not.

The word for Palin is Hypocrit. Or self-interested. Or crummy Mom. But maverick? Heck no!

Side: She is no maverick.
3 points

Although I do not believe that Sarah Palin is in any way a "Maverick" I also cannot subscribe to your description of her as Cheney in drag! Palin hasn't an iota of experience compared to Cheney and that's no compliment to Dick Cheney since I loathe the man. I also do not believe she is a hypocrite and I cannot say she's a crummy Mom.

I believe Sarah Palin is an opportunist. She governs the largest state in the nation with the fewest people in it. I believe the population of Alaska is under 900,000 people. I think she is a self absorbed and egotistical creature who takes credit for things she hasn't done or was a small part of. She speaks about the Alaskan Pipeline as though it hasn't been lying about the "boroughs" for the last 30 years and that when the last piece of pipe is set (probably while she was at the convention!) and the big blue wheel that says "ON" has been turned, with all due hoopla and a clown, America's energy crisis will be solved. The fact of the matter is that the pipeline won't be set to go for at least ten years and when it does flow, it will only give us a small percentage of what we need in oil or natural gas! Her pipeline is a pipe-dream!!!

She has no infra-structure to speak of outside of the Alaska Highway. Even "The Bridge to Nowhere" went exactly there...nowhere. Alaska is not exactly rich in industry either and only has three to speak of. The oil fields, fishing and tourism and Alaska has a million and a half more tourists than residents. Those who cannot work in those industries work at Government jobs! What it is rich in is natural beauty. That it has in abundance. Alaska has the reputation of having better educated people due to Government jobs and making more yearly than some. They have no income tax and no state sales tax! She is also under scrutiny for several incidents involving per diem requests while working at home and the dismissal of a State Trooper who used to be her sister's boyfriend as well as other spending done at the cost of taxpayer's money. It will all come out in the wash...I just hope it spins fairly even if I don't like her.

Somehow she doesn't add up to White House material for me and I believe Obama & Biden will rebound from the recent surge in popularity of McCain - Palin.

Side: She is no maverick.
0 points

Let's see -

1. She ran as a reformer, then immediately generated a new set of scandals involving financial shady dealings (working from home instead of from the state capital where the governor is supposed to be, then billing the taxpayers extra per diem for living in her own house?), along with scandals related to alleged inappropriate firings;

2. She is in tight with the oil industry and works to undermine environmental protections that get in that industry's way, as in suing the government to take the polar bear off the endangered species list;

3. She has a long-standing reputation for being ruthless, secretive and vindictive, e.g., trying to use the power of her office to fire people who cross her, like the librarian who wouldn't ban the books her fundamentalist Pentecostal church didn't like from the not-religiously-affiliated public library serving the whole community;

4. She lies about her political record - she says she was against the "Bridge to Nowhere", when actually she was for it until the Feds wanted Alaska to pay more of the tab, at which point she became against it, but kept the federal funds that had been earmarked for the project anyway;

5. She has a history of affiliation with an extremist movement advocating Alaska's secession from the US, and goes to a church where she gets up and makes speeches saying it's God's will to help Big Oil run a gas pipeline through Alaska, and shares the stage with a minister who says the Jews are evil, secular Americans are evil, the end times are coming, and Alaska is supposed to be some kind of a hideout for likeminded psychotics.

In qualities 1-4 she is Cheney in drag, and in quality 5, she's Bush in drag. Some maverick. The only way you can call her a maverick is to note that she's even more extreme and farther to the right than the current administration.

Side: She is no maverick.
3 points

Palin has two major qualities that make her a good VP pick. She is the true outsider, and she will speak her mind. She has never served posts inside Washington, which will make it easier for her to point out flaws in the way the system operates, cutting unnecessary positions or red tape. Secondly, she definitely speaks her mind. This is clear from her reactions when picked as a VP and asked in an interview what the vice president even does, and her comments about the freddie mac/fannie may fiasco. Both of those give her the outside the beltway attitude that will balance McCain's experience.

what's a vp do comments

Supporting Evidence: fannie may/freddie mac gaffe (
Side: She is a maverick
3 points

Before assessing her qualities as a Veep, IMO we need to recognize that there are three reasons to choose someone as your VP. One is to help you get elected,two is to help you govern after elected and third is to replace you if necessary. I think we can all agree that so far she has been a slam dunk on the first task. Her selection has stolen the wind from Obama's sails. She has totally reversed the whole momentum of this election. She has put the Obama camp on the defensive and has totally gotten into Obama's head and thrown him off his game.

We have little idea what her role would be in governing the country. Her experience is similar to Obama's in depth, not as deep as Biden's or McCain's. I like what I see of her temperament, much more than Biden or Obama's. She has her areas of expertise apparently and energy is an important one. I think 3 of the 4 are independent minded and tough. The one I question is Obama. I dont think he is independent of his base. I think his base will do to him what their respective bases did to Clinton and Newt. He wont be able to swing to the middle to accomplish legislation. His base, sweeping in on a huge antio war/anti Bush groundswell will pin him to the left and demand raw meat instead of forging alliances and working to solve the country's problems. McCain coming in along with a Democratic congress will be forced to swing centrist, what Clinton and Morris called "triangulation" to accomplish anything. Congressional Republicans will be in no position to pin McCain anywhere.

We never know what someone will be like as President. That goes for the top or bottom of the ticket. As voters we can only do what we think is right and cross our fingers. Kennedy came in unprepared and we survived his bungling of the Bay of Pigs. Clinton came in and we faced Branch Davidians, FIring of William Sessions, Travelgate, Nanny gate times three Somalia, Haiti. But they both figured it out pretty quickly.

Side: She is a maverick
0 points

Most of you guys think that women can't do anything good in life. well for your information we can. and we do. especially in your lives.



-taking care of children

- working

-different sports



she would make an awesome VP. she can't control what her daughter did and so what if her daughter is having a child. maybe they don't have that great of a relationship due to palin being a public official. suck it up and let the women do a mans job for once..

Side: She is a maverick
2 points

I bet this guy blames Ronald Reagan having a job for having a gay child too. Maybe John John died in a plane crash because his father was president some 40 years earlier and wasn't there for him?

I am not for banning books but it sure beats a president who wants to create a national civilian defense force as large and equally well funded as our military. Which one is more scary to you?

She might be a great vice president. She might not be. But it won't have anything to do with the fact that she is a woman. All I know is she has a 65% approval rating in her state and the Congress that the three guys came from is barely in double digits. Compare that with this guy and Brooke Hogan who thinks a woman can't run the country because of how moody and hormonal they get. Yup she said it and obviously this guy agrees. I am soooo ready to take my political lead from a "Reality star".

Supporting Evidence: Brooke Hogan on women running the country (
Side: She is a maverick
RevFred(351) Disputed
0 points

Wow. It almost sounds like a very sexist guy wrote your post just to be funny. Your examples of the things women do are blatantly stereotypical.

Let me also sum up your argument. Women can do a bunch of menial tasks that men can also do. Palin can't control her daughter, and it doesn't matter. She would be "awesome".

"Thanks for all the content", he said sarcastically.

Side: She is no maverick.