
Debate Info

6@j 6@$$h
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 6@j (5)
 6@$$h (2)

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joudibae(6) pic

Parents should be held responsible for their children discipline problems


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 2
3 points

Absolutely, parents should be held responsible for their children's discipline problems. If they were, there would be less children to be disciplined! People would think twice about having children they can't take care of or expect the state to take care of. I worked in the TX Juvenile System for years. We raised several families of boys that the parents let run the streets. If the parents were fined and/or put in jail for not controlling their children, I think they would think twice about having them or letting them run wild.

Side: 6@j
2 points

If parents were not held responsible for children's discipline problems, then children who were not trained properly by their parents as to what is right and what is wrong would be receiving all the blame, when it really was the parents fault. Also, they would not be held fully responsible as the children could be responsible as well.

Side: 6@j
1 point

I would definitely restate the fact that parents are responsible for their child's discipline problems . Upbringing is what can more curtly be mentioned in an argument of this nature. It wholly and solely depends on how a child is brought up, what examples are set for a child to imbibe, that determine whether a child is well mannered or a total ruckus!

Side: 6@j
1 point

A parent should be held responsible for their child's action's and accountability. The child's mannerisms reflects on how they are observing their life around them and it will have a direct impact as they will mimic their home life and social surroundings as they become adults. Whenever a child makes any mistake(s) they should be held directly accountable and receive the proper due punishment. And YES, parents should be held directly accountable for their child by not being properly in charge of the child's best interest. As well as held directly accountable for not upholding their parental responsibilities and obligations, by ensuring the child learns by (and from) the "proper examples" that should be duly considered as an acceptable approach for society. In essence, they (the parents) make themselves an "accomplice after the fact" due to their own mistake(s) and measures of "improper parenting". (I am as guilty of it just as every parent has had their own moment(s) when raising their own children. Parents should NEVER cease learning how to properly rear their own children.) I have been held accountable for the actions of my own. Had I been paying the proper attention or not looked the other way hoping a problem would have gone away on its own things may not have of occurred? And there is where the overwhelmingly majority of problem(s) exist with a lot of children today. Parents should be more involved with their children. (Life is not all fun and games.) Tending to every aspect of a child's life doesn't always cure problems, but it's a start. Tending the child actions, paying attention to them by holding them accountable at HOME correctly will make a difference in a child's attitude. First and foremost, become a parent FIRST and then be their friend later.

Side: 6@j
1 point

Enormously complicated issue.

The people on the other side just assume the fault is on the parents. The child is raised by the environment which includes the parents. It is not a closed system.

Side: 6@$$h
0 points

No they should not be.......... whenever a child makes a mistake and gets punished for it ....the child learns from his mistake knowing he shouldn't do it again.... but whenever a child gets bailed out by his or her parents... he'll be expecting to get bailed out all the time.... therefore when the child is ready for responsibilities he will still need his parents because they didn't teach him or her from early....... this would go on until death......... if parents were to be responsible .......this world would be really messed up...... also,...... whenever a parent beats you... it doesn't make you want to stop.... it makes you want to continue just to spite them

I rest my case

Side: 6@$$h
rnls105(1) Disputed
1 point

It's a parents responsibility to ensure the child has knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. When they make no indifference to their child's actions they should be held accountable for discipline and moral standards that they themselves are held to.

Side: 6@j