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 Passion for Instagram (1)

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Aexetan(2) pic

Passion for Instagram

Hello, forum members! The story of my Instagram journey began with a passion for cooking. At first, each new follower caused me incredible joy. How do you feel the first moments with new followers?
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1 point

Hello, to every new follower on my Instagram account, I always know that this is not without a moment of joy, and also the opportunity to get closer to the audience. One of the memorable moments will be revealed when a new subscriber has lost the comment on food about my hobbies and the way to increase in price. Instead of a simple story, I created a post with a slobbering confession about my beloved and my enmity with her. Thus, I interact with the new follow instagram , expanding not only my content, but also making it more expensive for me. I will be grateful for your stories and for the sake of it! Have a great day, friends!