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Real Lfe Virtual Life
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:17
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 Real Lfe (7)
 Virtual Life (4)

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sabi(80) pic

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People Should Spend More Time Communicating in Real Life Than in Internet

People, especially youth, tend to spend more time on Facebook than hanging out. I don't mention disable people who don't have the opportunity to leave their homes or your friends on the other side of Earth, but seriously, folks! Don't you think that you "like" your friends' pictures more often than hug them? That is an issue for me, and I really want to know YOUR opinion about that.

Real Lfe

Side Score: 8
Winning Side!

Virtual Life

Side Score: 5
2 points

Ah, sorry... Of corse people should spend their time communicating in real life... Getting offended when my friend choose sitting in internet rather than going outside. :p

Side: Real Lfe
1 point

That's fine:)

I understand your feelings, especially stuff when a friend at your house says "Ï am just gonna check my Facebook" and then returns to the real life a half of an hour later..)

Side: Real Lfe
0 points

Virtual communication can not replace the real one. For instance, you can never know exactly what the person feels, how emotes and reacts because smiley faces don't express the full depth of somebody's feelings.

Side: Real Lfe
klim07(64) Disputed
1 point

Yes, I totally agree with you. But what would you do if the person you really like living in another country? Do you have any alternatives to communicating in Internet? Yes, of course you can call him etc. but, nevertheless, it won't show people's mood and feelings. So Maybe sometimes virtual communication can be very useful for us.

Side: Virtual Life
sabi(80) Disputed
1 point

I don't mention...your friends on the other side of Earth. See the issue description.

I know what you are talking about, Klim. Virtual communication IS very useful for us. When I spent a year abroad, I used Skype every week to talk to my Mom, but watching her on the computer screen and not having an opportunity to hug her really hurt!

But the thing that bugs me a lot is that people who live in the same city and even on the same street still use Facebook, Vkontakte or M Agent to just say "hi" instead of meeting in real life and hang out together. I've had this situation. Have you?

Side: Real Lfe
1 point

It is easier to use the Internet to communicate. I prefer to write emails or use Facebook to talk to people, and, as you said, the Internet hides my emotions which are not always positive.

Side: Virtual Life
sabi(80) Disputed
1 point

Talking is easier and faster than typing. And you can always know what a person meant by saying this or that, or you can ask him/her about it at the moment, and not be waiting for this person to type you an email.

Hide your emotions? For which purpose? If your emotions to somebody are not positive, you'd better not communicate with him/her neither in virtual, nor in real life.

Supporting Evidence: Talking is Easier Than Typing (
Side: Real Lfe
lisbeth(11) Disputed
1 point

Talking is easier and faster than typing.

You just can't type fast enough, gurlie;) And for me personally typing is easier.

And you can always know what a person meant by saying this or that

Naaah, you can't!! People are liars...

If your emotions to somebody are not positive, you'd better not communicate with him/her neither in virtual, nor in real life.

And if it's my boss I hate?

Side: Virtual Life
0 points

Which would you rather do Pay $99 to fly somewhere that you probably might die during a crash or sit on your bed using Skype or something like that to talk?Easy choice.

Side: Virtual Life
sabi(80) Disputed
1 point

I don't mention...your friends on the other side of Earth

I guess you'd better read the issue description before you start debating.

Side: Real Lfe