
Debate Info

Poke'mon Digimon
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Poke'mon (2)
 Digimon (1)

Debate Creator

Venufan(11) pic

Pikachu vs. Agumon

I want to know what people think is better in creativity and about it's future.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 1

Ehhh... I like Pokemon better than Digimon. Pokemon always get a new charater or creature in the episodes. Digimon is kind of bringing certain monsters back into the game. But I like to prefer Pokemon better.

Side: Poke'mon
1 point

Well at least digimon goes back to its previous creations and introduces a new story for them, Pokemon all i see is ash losing a match but guess what they give him the win anyways, like a few days ago i was eating ceral watching cartoons ash lost this tournament and didn't get a trophy, but guess what the actual winner gave him the trophy and ash said "I WON!" plus how many darn seasons will that show have at least digimon knows when to quit Pokemon still doesn't know. Digimon has gotten bad but they at least quit. Maybe Pokemon should.

Side: Digimon
KidDetetive(1) Disputed
1 point

If it did, wouldn't that just prove that Pokemon is miles AHEAD of digimon? Imagine that, just the video games are more famous! Pokemon wouldn't end because of the fans! Digimon has few FANS XD

Side: Poke'mon