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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:8
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 Good (4)
 Bad (1)

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jonathangoh(1726) pic

Plastic bags- Good or bad


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 1

Plastic bags are O.K. with me just so far as the clerk does not lick his/her fingers to open up the bag.

Side: Good
0 points

Good! I put my cat's shit litter in them... very useful.

Side: Good
0 points

Extremely useful for me too.

I put leftovers in them instead of plastic containers that I have to wash. I hate dishes D:

Side: Good
0 points

Ha. Do you know how much oil is used to make a single plastic bag? You guys are so ignorant and self-conscious. Plastic bags are brutally murdering the environment, they cost billions to make and clean up, they use up too many resources, they have chemicals in them, and there are alternative that are hundreds of times better.

Side: Bad
Hellno(17753) Disputed
1 point

Take that bitch!

Side: Good