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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 disagree (6)

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Ainamkoz(39) pic

Private schools are better than public ones

In comparison with public  schools,public ones are much better.It is an ideal place for any students,because even the atmosphere in this schools is very friendly and pleasent.Teachers are very good,nearly veryone has a professor status.Also private schools can offer a lot of dofferent classes for the self development of students such as chess club or ballroom dancing studio, where students can get both:necessary skills and pleasent rest from another subjects.Of course this is not all advantages of private schools...


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 7
2 points

In my opinion , Private shools are not worse! Sometimes they are much better than public ones! In private shools amout of pupils in classes are less, that is why the quality of student controll is more better! Teachers can controll homeworks more properly. Controlling of pupils' discipline is better. Also it such schools there is an individualistic method of working with each child. And if pupil has a problems teacher in private school will help more readily than in public one.

Side: agree
2 points

In my opinion, private schools are better,because it gives more knowledge than in public schools. Firstly, the class size tends to be much smaller and the students tend to be a bit more educationally focused than in public school, it means that in private schools teachers pay attention more and they give like a motivation or desire to study.

Also, they have a lot of facilities) Private schools have exchange programs for children. For example, many of my friends went to London for summer. It good that private schools have 2 days of weekends. Also there is no uniform, it is good, because you can show your individuality and style.

Private schools have good staff, who try to do everything for students. For example, they organize some entertainment and festivals.

One of the benefits that most of private schools have extern classes. That means that each pupil can skip one year.

Side: agree
1 point

I have no doubt that Private schools are much better than public ones. Because there are smaller school and class size, so that students will have better approach, better qualified teachers and the most important is that reputation of a good private school aids in college admission....

Side: agree

Private schools show individualized attention to the students and the students are much more orderly than the students at public school.

Side: agree
1 point

Opening: private schools are not better than public schools in some cases worse that is if you can even qualify for a private school and have the money to go to the school. Since public schools are held by certain laws making them fair and just, and the seperation of church and state as well public schools cannot turn down kids for disablities or gender or race.


1: Private schools can discriminate.

2: private schools can teach religious veiws

3:private schools are expensive and most kids cannot get into them.

Side: Disagree
3 points

Private schools can discriminate.

Generally, federal anti-discrimination laws only apply to public schools or schools that receive federal funding. Otherwise, Schools may not engage in “selective admissions”, which is the practice of denying admission to school based on a protected category such as gender, race, or religious belief. They are also prohibited from providing preferential treatment on the basis of such categories. This is under the EEOA, and CRA of 1964.

private schools can teach religious veiws

What is wrong with religious views? The alternative is feeding constant government propaganda. There is no difference.

private schools are expensive and most kids cannot get into them.

Private schools are pushed away by government monopoly of public school, which explains the expensive nature of private school. It is the lack of supply.

Side: agree
saprophetic(389) Disputed
2 points

An absence of religious education doesn't have to mean replacement by broadcasting of the government. It appears to happen a lot in schools which do not teach religion because these are nearly all public schools, and because it's in the interest of the government to create support for it's own organisation. Private schools which are unaffiliated with religion can do away with both quite easily.

Side: Disagree

i don't think so. i went to prep school as a kid, in the 60s, and let me tell you, it fucked me up. a lot of private schools are made up of incredibly conceited, really snotty and mean rich kids, which are the kind of kids i had to deal with as a teenager. their horrible ways led me to get into several fights which eventually got me expelled...private schools also put too much pressure on kids. they need to be challenged, sure, but they're not goddamned scholars over here, they're just kids! public school is an experience every young man and woman should go through.

Side: Disagree
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

a lot of private schools are made up of incredibly conceited, really snotty and mean rich kids

That is the stereotype, but surprisingly every private school I have seen, experienced, or heard about puts this notion to rest.

private schools also put too much pressure on kids. they need to be challenged, sure, but they're not goddamned scholars over here, they're just kids! public school is an experience every young man and woman should go through.

College entrance scores are steadily increasing for private school students and decreasing for public school students. Sure, it's challenging, but if you're going to get educated, you might as well embrace it. Public schools just generally don't offer the same quality of education.

Side: agree

Lets look at the economics:

Instead of vouchers, how about we restructure the tax code to make public schools paid for completely by businesses.

This won't work in every community, but it will work in some. I won't go into the conditions of how or why it might work economically here, I'll just state the purpose: Parents won't have to pay for public school to send their kids to private school, also there would be no need for voucher applications(thus streamlining the process of switching between the two types of schools, getting rid of unneeded administrations, etc) and so forth.

Then let them compete on this new "level" playing field.

What type of private schools will be maintained or arise?

Religious instruction:

what would the additional income from the tax change be used for in low-income families? It would be used for improving the quality of life of the family, and not for long term investments(unless the parents have high religiosity).

Catholic schools-Maintained but growth is dependent on the christian religiosity of parents.

Islamic schools- establishment and growth dependent on the rate of conversion to Islam and immigration of Muslims.

Often times these type of schools are tied into a church, and possibly a large donating community. They can provide education cheaply if such is the case. religious instruction is untouched by the tax change on a Marco-level, and thus Taxes for public schools don't matter in this regard. If a school has a large voluntarily donating body, then that is an advantage over public schools but its one based off of a declining property of the population, and so you should see this advantage disappearing over the years. As it does, the cost will increase.

Secular private or charter schools:

These will come up in poor areas with poorly functioning public schools so they can isolate students with a higher chance of success from others who might bring them down. Here, the tax change might be beneficial. The main factor however, is that a small minority of students have some advantage over their peers and the ability of the school to channel those advantages into higher test scores for grants and the like.

They may also come about as specialized schools for the disabled, and here the tax change might be beneficial. The main factor is the disability though, and grant giving organizations to them.


Merely looking at the numbers isn't going to tell you much, private schools tend to serve an advantageous population.

Private schools do better in reading, but worse in math. In reading, public schools might have something to learn but otherwise public schools are about the same or better than private.

Side: Disagree
1 point

In my opinion public schools are much better than private because education in public school is much cheaper than in private school. Also the level of education in public school are the same as in private schools, so why people spend so much money on private schools?! I don't understand it. Also in public schools pupils behavior are the same, because they are not so selfish and jealous like in private schools (my own experience).

Side: Disagree
YnSoo(13) Disputed
1 point

NO! Pupils in private schools are not selfish and jealous! In my own experience, I graduated from private school! I cannot say that my family is rich! I studied with very reach kids but everbody in our class are very friendly and kind!!! There were no disrimination, no bad people. Only good pupils, excelent teachers that gave me strong knowledges and only positive reminiscence!!!!!!!!

Side: agree
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

How many of them were of a different ethnicity than you?

How many of them knew you weren't rich/ how many were in your economic class?

How many of them were of a different religion?

In general, discrimination in private schools is less due to there being less to discriminate.

Side: Disagree