
Debate Info

helpful Wrong
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 helpful (1)
 Wrong (1)

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wardogninja(1789) pic

Racial Profiling

What are your veiws on racial profiling, and Random searches



Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Racial profiling is certainly helpful in aiding the ascertainment of criminals who generally perform a specific crime. A good example of his is terrorism, in any form. It is far more likely for an irishman to perform a terroristic act against the Irish Government than it is for a Chinese man to perform a terroristic act against the Irish Government. This generalization is extremely helpful in ascertaining streamlined policies of government and law.

Side: helpful

The Sheriff of Arizona has gotten into big trouble for racial profiling of Hispanics. The Obama Administration is against racial profiling.

Side: Wrong