
Debate Info

Keep Red Light Cameras Remove Red Light Cameras
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Keep Red Light Cameras (3)
 Remove Red Light Cameras (1)

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liberaltexan(8) pic

Red Light Cameras

College Station, Texas residents will be voting this Election Day on whether or not to remove the red light cameras that have been placed at several intersections in the city. While supporters of the red light cameras claim that they reduce accidents and raise revenue for the city, opponents assert that the red light cameras do not reduce accidents and that they violate the citizens’ civil rights. Should College Station residents vote to keep or remove the red light cameras? 

Keep Red Light Cameras

Side Score: 4

Remove Red Light Cameras

Side Score: 1
2 points

Yes yes yes yes!!! My mom got into an accident in the early 1980's (I think it was 1980 or 1981 at the latest). To this day, she goes to physical therapy for her arm and can't use it 100%. She also scraped her eye against the pavement and her left eye is legally blind. And why did this happen? Because a drunk driver ran a red light when she was driving through a green light. Of course, this was back when drunk driving wasn't as frowned upon as it is now and the police records are long gone. She never sued him and I don't think we ever will, but I wish we could because she has to get another surgery eventually. She has a metal rod in her arm because some dickhead thought it was okay to break the law. Keep red light cameras!

Side: Keep Red Light Cameras
1 point

What would be the logical stand point in removing red light cameras? Is there really any logic? That is like saying hey lets remove walk-in clinics. Why? Oh no point but we sure are going to have a vote on it!

Red light cameras capture those who are to ignorant to follow the law. If a law enforcement officer isn't around then we can always rely on the camera to snap a shot of the perpetrator.

Side: Keep Red Light Cameras
1 point

Back to the days of Nazi Germany . This shows the end of the U.S.A. is near.

Side: Remove Red Light Cameras
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever seen written as a starting argument for any side of any debate. Ever.

Side: Keep Red Light Cameras