
Debate Info

Yes, it should be. No, it shouldn't be.
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 No, it shouldn't be. (1)

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yeonny(19) pic

Rules and disciplines should only be decided by the 'school'.

As a student, I've always thought that rules and disciplines are one that should only be decided by the school.

First of all, when parents or third person get to involve in this decision, there may arouse a great confusion.

Secondly, school has its own rules to maintain the social relationships between teachers and students.


Yes, it should be.

Side Score: 0

No, it shouldn't be.

Side Score: 1
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1 point

it depends entirely on the school. My elementary school dress code was no bra strap, nothing shorter then when you put your arms at your sides and no underwear showing. So the teachers wouldn't let the girls wear short shorts and mini skirts or show any bra strap. But when the boys started wearing their pants so that they would almost entirely show their boxers, nobody cared. I am not so fond of the dress code rule, but i listen to it. But I don't think the teachers can make rules for the girls that don't apply to the boys.

Side: No, it shouldn't be.