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 Sandy Hook - What happened? (2)

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Lynaldea(1227) pic

Sandy Hook - What happened?

This discussion is meant to discuss the events that happened on December 14, 2012. 

There are events and testimonies that took place that do not make sense.

Please do reasearch if you feel neccesary to so; for yourself.

This is not meant to "discount" tradegy, but merely to account for happenings that are not told properly and truthfully by media and are yet questioened by many. 

Why should this be brought up in the first place? Interesting indeed...

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1 point

by questioned by "many" you mean the same conspiracy wackos who think there are aliens at area 51, government has black helicopters that spy on them, 911 was an inside job, etc?

Here's what happened. There was a crazy guy who probably should have been committed or at least heavily medicated to prevent this, but was not. He had a gun nut mom who should have known her insane son was capable of getting her arsenal and shooting a bunch of people, but did not.

That's it. There was no conspiracy. It was a crazy person with a bunch of guns.

1 point

You are preaching to choir there, sonny boy.

And a happy new year..