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Debate Score:113
Total Votes:146
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Scientists are the gods of atheism.

And every once in a while they get a Loki - that is, a hoaxer.


Side Score: 49


Side Score: 64
3 points

Any one that thinks other-wise, clearly does not think. To wish something to be true doesn't make it so. Atheist take heed to your own statements. You claim God doesn't exist by this reasoning and then deny it. Clearly a case of radical disbelieving atheist and you thought radical religious people are unable to see the truth.

As far as your claim that atheist have no gods, keep telling yourself this and one day you may even believe it.


American Heritage #4 One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.

Merriam-Webster #3 : a person or thing of supreme value

I put forth a reason and I demand the same respect before you down vote. If you cannot post one, then that is your problem. Not mine. I have complied to the rules of atheism, presented evidence and applied logic.

Side: yes
3 points

And the thing which really blows my mind is that they are proving our point every single time they down-vote one of these perfectly reasonable arguments. They call it 'sophistry' because they don't want to believe it. Perhaps they are so paranoid that everything is specious to them?

American Heritage #4 One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.

Merriam-Webster #3 : a person or thing of supreme value

'Money was their god.' That is precisely the context in which this debate was written. They think that by writing 'god' they are proving that 'gods' exist. They aren't! They're simply accepting the well-known-by-us fact that science is the basis of their beliefs, and if they aren't 'gods' than they can at least be called the equivalent of a 'priest'.

a person or thing of supreme value

Seeing as how science is the 'supreme value' of atheism (science 'proves' atheism), then one would come to the conclusion that the one who proves science is held at an equal value, if not greater; thus, giving him a 'godlike' status.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Atheism does not necessarily have science has its foundation. Actually, when it comes towards most gods: it logically can't be since most of them are non empirical/ nonfalsifiable.

modern day satanism, actually another version of atheism, does not have science as its supreme value.

Side: No
aveskde(1935) Disputed
0 points

And the thing which really blows my mind is that they are proving our point every single time they down-vote one of these perfectly reasonable arguments. They call it 'sophistry' because they don't want to believe it. Perhaps they are so paranoid that everything is specious to them?

Back when I was around your age, I used to make specious arguments like this. As a matter of fact you are acting singled out in order to avoid accepting the responsibility of using the rules of debate and reasoning.

'Money was their god.' That is precisely the context in which this debate was written. They think that by writing 'god' they are proving that 'gods' exist. They aren't! They're simply accepting the well-known-by-us fact that science is the basis of their beliefs, and if they aren't 'gods' than they can at least be called the equivalent of a 'priest'.

Irreligious people don't think like religious people.

Seeing as how science is the 'supreme value' of atheism (science 'proves' atheism), then one would come to the conclusion that the one who proves science is held at an equal value, if not greater; thus, giving him a 'godlike' status.

There is actually no supreme value to atheism. Atheism is the opposing dialectic in the "god debate." It exists merely to be the opposite of theism. Since theism is a positive claim with no evidence, it collapses in on itself and atheism exists as the reasonable position.

Science is a tool for acquiring knowledge about the natural world. It works wonderfully by assuming an atheist or deist universe (in other words no supernatural intervention).

Side: No
-1 points

It completely blows my mind also, that one can state they only believe in facts and then disregard facts. With mindset of theirs, they only prove that there is no facts to prove that God doesn't exist. There is no reason to get an atheist to believe in God, they already do. They discredit their own arguments against the absence of God.

Atheism has no proof, because they only use the facts they choose to use and throw out all others. They are purely believers that no gods exist and only use science as a means to justify their belief and therefore do not claim it as their god. The truth is they have only their faith that their is no god. Faithfully anti-religious, what a concept.

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

I put forth a reason and I demand the same respect before you down vote. If you cannot post one, then that is your problem. Not mine. I have complied to the rules of atheism, presented evidence and applied logic.

You didn't use reason, you used sophistry. Specifically you equivocated the definition of god to try and tie together the idea that atheists have one.

I'm sure that to one as deluded as you, it's impossible to imagine that there exists people who worship nothing. Their authorities are not infallible, but human, and capable of error. They share common interest groups not because they are part of a sect or religion, but because they are independent minds coming together on certain views.

Side: No
AtlantaEsq(94) Disputed
1 point

It really is silly trying to analogize religious concepts to atheism but for the sake of argument I'll bite...

I would say a better analogy would be that Scientists are the priests/rabbis/pastors of Atheism. Atheists don't necessarily worship anything but they do hold science in high esteem because it helps explain the natural world. Scientists are the ones that interpret the natural world and explain it. So in that respect, like clergymen that attempt explaining the Bible, Scientists explain to Atheists what is important to them...the origin and function of the universe.

Side: No
1 point

I'm an athiest, but I gotta give respect where it is due. Good argument

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
0 points

The rules of atheism is not to present evidence and apply logic. Its just that applying logic and looking at evidence generally leads to atheism.

I'm a atheist by most definitions and I do not worship, idealized or follow a scientist. I do hold them in high regard. Also, science is a tool and it is a tool which is incapable of "disproving" most gods.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

'God' does not expressly indicate 'supernatural'. That is something most of the people on ====> side don't seem to realize.

Side: yes
2 points

Any absolutist attitude is always a religious attitude, and in whatever respect a man becomes absolute, there you see his religion.

Carl Jung

Side: yes
1 point

What absolutist attitude of atheists are you referring to?

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Atheist believe God does not exist, period. Proof that God exist will never even be taken into consideration, because to them there will never be any proof. If you accept the possibility, then you are not an atheist. Therefore atheist have an absolutist attitude in regards to God and have become a religion.

Side: yes
6 points

Gods are objects of worship.

I have never, in my entire life, met an atheist who "worshipped" a scientist. Attempts to make these silly kinds of statements are usually made by people who want to equate atheism to a religion, so they can then declare something along the lines of "Welll, I have faith in my beliefs and you have faith in yourt beliefs so that's the same thing!!! Nyah Nyah!"... as if all types of "faith" and "belief" were of the same nature.

Side: No
3 points

I've noticed a tendency in theists, particularly the devout, to think of matters of authority as worship. Where a person might respect an eminent expert, the theist sees worshipping a leader, when a person congregates with others of similar interests, the theist sees a church, when the person is passionate in their views, the theist sees religion.

In other words, the question of scientists being gods is a mistake based on theists imposing their values on others.

Side: No
lawnman(1106) Disputed
2 points

Most Christians refer to their priests and pastors as figures of authority, (a biased authority at that) and more often than not they believe what they believe because they believe the figure of authority is THE authority for their belief.

This is no different than scientists as shepherds of sheep.

After all, if the sheep are so knowledgeable of the sciences of their beliefs, which are taught by scientists, they would stop referencing some other man’s knowledge as a justification for their beliefs.


God exists because the consensus of theologians declares he does; although the sheep have not examined enough evidence to justify authoritative knowledge.

Anthropogenic global warming is a fact because the scientific consensus declares it is; although the sheep have not examined enough evidence to justify authoritative knowledge.

Side: Yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Its not that they reference some other man's knowledge as a justification for their beliefs, its that they reference demonstrable, repeatable, valid data/evidence uncovered by some other men, and verified by many other men doing experiments, and which is open for anyone to verify. I can tell you some simple experiments, some theory that explains it and its limitations, and you yourself can become authoritative quickly within a small scientific domain by testing the theory yourself. Wanna do a projectile motion experiment? Those are fun.

Theologians don't have demonstrable, repeatable and sound evidence for god; they might have a few decent trys at logical arguments(which most if not all can be shown as bad) All they have is emotion and social forces to propagate their views.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I'd say that these responses have it: atheists are not lexicographers!

'God' does not immediately indicate worship. 'God' can imply something which is held in high regard by a group of people. Seeing as how science is responsible - directly or indirectly - for the conversion of many theists to atheism; and how atheists believe that science, and thus scientists, prove their belief (or lack thereof), one would assume that they are held in high regard. Most religious arguments, when they are rebuked by an atheist, have something to do with science.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

To rebuke most religious arguments, science is not needed. Science just gives an alternative answer/argument to the majority of bad religious arguments. Science allows people to say something other then: "the bible says so and thus it is" or "I don't know why". Most people eventually stop questioning at some point: so long as the unknowns are buried deep enough in what they think they know, their comfortable.

On some issues science allows for arguments grounded in empirical premises, which means you'll have to deny your own experience or at least a useful model which allows for prediction in order to deny the premises. which you would have to do to deny the conclusion if its a valid argument.

Side: No
2 points

Atheism is belief that there is no God.

Atheism like Theism is a grey area with many variations of definition, from my experience some so called Atheists seem to worship science as their belief system.

But most are the sort who are looking for answers that science provides, a true Atheist will be skeptical of any answer given by science this skepticism will ease as proof is laid down. The Scientists are not Gods in any sense here as a God is not to be questioned.

A statement such as Scientists are the Gods of Atheism can only come from a Theist, as a Theist looks for the answer in an all mighty form where an Atheist looks for answers from their Scholars, Scholars who through learning and gathering of empirical evidence make realistic points about the origins of life. As these Scholars are fallible they can not be considered Gods.

Side: Atheism has no Gods
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

I believe you took the word 'god' out of the context of the debate. Obviously scientists are not supernatural, simply that they seem to be held in similar esteem.

See the reference to Loki when it comes to hoaxes and fallibility.

Side: yes
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
4 points

I believe I argued two points, the first was that some Atheists do worship Scientists, the second was that most do not.

Side: No
cwmdulais(188) Disputed
1 point

to be honest, most scientists should be held in high esteem, they've done a fair amount for us, although a lot of the times it is for profit $$$

Side: No
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
-1 points

Down voted, reason follows. A statement such as "Scientist are the Gods of atheism" can only come from a Theist is false. Every dictionary claims other-wise.

American Heritage #4 One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.

Merriam-Webster #3 : a person or thing of supreme value

Here is the evidence. Where is that famous atheist logic?

I put forth a reason and I demand the same respect before you down vote. If you cannot post one, then that is your problem. Not mine.

Side: yes

If anything is the God of atheism it is nature.

Unlike religious people, however, we don't necessarily worship it and pray to it, however we do try and understand it, because we know that nature is what determines who we are, what our past was like, and what our future will bring.

Side: Nature
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

Is that how you view a god; that which is worshipped?

How about these definitions:

American Heritage #4 One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.

Merriam-Webster #3 : a person or thing of supreme value

a person or thing of supreme value

Seeing as how science is the 'supreme value' of atheism (science 'proves' atheism), then one would come to the conclusion that the one who proves science is held at an equal value, if not greater; thus, giving him a 'godlike' status.

P.S. Oughtn't, from an atheistic perspective, 'God' be spelled 'god'?

Side: yes

Correction, science is the god of atheism because science is impartial whereas scientists are partial even though it may be towards atheism; nonetheless, without science, scientists would be moot.

Side: No
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

with out a belief in science, there would still be atheism. With out a belief in god, what religions are there?

Side: No
1 point

Well according to the atheists, atheism isn't a religion. Therefore they have no idol to look upon =D

Side: No
1 point

Plenty of scientists are religious and agree with religions. Science does not necessarily ensure the absence of religion, and even if it did, scientists are pretty far from what I would define as gods. They screw up plenty of the time, and they do not get people "worshipping" them. People simply agree with them. They're just people.

Side: No
1 point

Athiesm is defined as not believing in a higher power. So, you can't really have a "god" of athiesm.

Side: No
1 point

Your Post is by definition, a contradiction of terms. If atheists had gods, then they wouldn't be atheists.

Side: No