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 Share your best ideas for ending world hunger with hammers (4)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Share your best ideas for ending world hunger with hammers

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Solution 1: Beat all the hungry people to death with hammers.

Solution 2: Beat all the old people to death and feed them to the hungry people.

Solution 3: Beat Honey Boo Boo's mom to death with a hammer and feed her to the hungry people. That should be enough to feed them all.

Solution #4: Feed hammers to the hungry people. Apparently they're quite tasty.

1 point

Seems legit.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Solution #3 is the most efficient one by far.

Solution #1 might work, but it will take a long time to kill lots of hungry people, compared to killing just one :P

Create world communism and distribute the food, the symbol of Communism is a hammer and sickle so technically it involves a hammer.