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Yes-HW is worth too little No-HW is worth enough points
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Should A Student's Homework Count For a Larger Percentage Than is Usually Given?

I am a senior in high school and find myself busting my butt over hours and hours of HOMEWORK (eating up my whole night on week days and half of my weekends). I spend more time doing HW than I spend on classwork, tests, or just being in class in the first place. However, to my surprise, these piles of homework are only worth 10-15% of one's grade, while a test done in as little as a single class period is worth about 45-50% of my grade. I lose sleep, exercise, and social time over homework... yet I get very few points in return for it; yet, with tests, a single failure can launch you down a grade level, and it would takes weeks of homework just to get that grade up a few percentage points. Do you think that students should be given more credit for the homework they do? I'm not necessarily saying that we should receive less of it (although that would be nice) - I'm just saying that we should be given more credits for the amount of homework we do. 

My usual weekend: Friday night and Saturday = free time... Sunday = homework. And then, of course, every week night = homework, homework, and more homework. Note, though, that I do pretty much everything I am assigned, and I also do all my classwork and usually do well on tests. The problem is that I spend most of my time slaving over busy work. 

So what do you think? Is it OK that homework only accounts for a small percentage of one's grade, or should the grading scale be based upon HOW MUCH work one does in total. If you ask me, I want more credit for the hours and hours of homework I'm left doing. 

Yes-HW is worth too little

Side Score: 0

No-HW is worth enough points

Side Score: 0
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