
Debate Info

yes it should no it shouldn't
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:24
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 yes it should (5)
 no it shouldn't (5)

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AgentBLK(8) pic

Should Australia change it's flag

yes it should

Side Score: 12

no it shouldn't

Side Score: 10
3 points

Yes as our flag at the moment is out dated and its time to change to show that Australia is up there with the top counties and to really show that we are australian

Side: yes it should
Taqwacore(668) Disputed
3 points

What do you mean "out of date"? It's a flag. It's not a carton of milk. There's no "best before" date on a flag.

Side: no it shouldn't
3 points

yes i have always thought that we should drop the union jack part of the flag

Side: yes it should
3 points

What should it be changed to??

Side: yes it should
2 points

at the moment Australia has 3 flags, the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag and the Torre straight islander flag, these different flags symbolise that although all of the citizens of the flags live in the same country we are all separate people we are treated differently sometimes worse, this is not right, we should live together as one instead of three

Side: yes it should
AgentBLK(8) Clarified
1 point

at the moment Australia has 3 flags, the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag and the Torre straight islander flag, these different flags symbolise that although all of the citizens of the flags live in the same country we are all separate people we are treated differently sometimes worse, this is not right, we should live together as one instead of three

basicly yes it should

Side: yes it should
2 points

No. But I'm a royalist. I know the Queen and the Governor General don't really do anything other than having symbolic functions; but (as demonstrated during the Gough Whitlam constitutional crisis) they can pull out the heavy guns if they really need to and provide a level of oversight on the office of the Prime Minister. Therefore, I say we keep the monarchy and keep the union jack.

P.S. I've also been out of the country for a while...are we still a constitutional monarchy or are we a republic already? If we're a republic, then fuck it and forget everything I said above.

Side: no it shouldn't
1 point

The Australian Flag symbolises it's heritage and history. It is a brand which is similar to the flags of several other nations and shows that they are part of a wider and greater global community. The Australian flag is one of the few which portrays a past era of wealth and power.

It also has some nice stars on it too.

Side: no it shouldn't
Bg9078(2) Disputed
1 point

If our flag was to change I'm sure well keep the stars on it the thing that will change is the Union Jack

Side: yes it should
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

But the Union Jack is the best part!

Side: no it shouldn't
1 point

It is good as is, - it follows British Union Jack and Southern cross star as well

Supporting Evidence: Current Australia Flag (
Side: no it shouldn't