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Canada Doesn't Pay 1 / 6 Natio Canada Pays 1 / 6 Nations
Debate Score:1
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 Canada Doesn't Pay 1 / 6 Natio (1)

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DavidJSpetch(1) pic

Should Canada Fund 1 / 6 Nations For Not Paying Taxes While Keeping Tax Free Land Claims

 1 / 6 Nations invaded the land from the natural inhabitants in the first place. When settlers arrived, there was about enough 1 / 6 Nations people across North America to moderately populate Cuba.  Claiming that someone stole your land is not only greedy, but quite the weak excuse when there is plenty of land that they did not even occupy more than a small fraction of in the first place. Since then Canada, as well other countries of America have become globally recognized as countries.

 After the war of 1812 – 1814  The crown responded in accordance to the 1 / 6 nations not wanting anything to do with being governed with a solution hence the land claims. Democracy as well freedom was won, but most foundational was for the preservation of not only new settlers, but for the 1 / 6 nations themselves and not only their blood was spilt for Our freedom from the U.S.A.! As a matter of recalling, it was the British army who showed up that finally drove the U.S.A. into submission!

 Indigenous, Canada is my historical land. Everyone here in Canada can be traced back to before Canada was occupied by humans to other parts of the globe! The injustice is that they chose to become a state sort of speak (live on their reserves chiefing themselves) instead of choosing to co operate with a tax based governing system. Now for that choice they have in many ways fallen behind the times and suffer for it. Now they just expect tax payers to flip the bill when they chose land to chief themselves and still expect land claims to be valid? You can't deny that they throw land claims treaties in the public's face quite often. You can't deny that despite some live in Canadian cities and even pay taxes (they do not pay full taxes yet) and are making careers and working as a contributing member of society, that there are still those on the reserves not paying taxes yet they expect tax payers to flip their bill for governing services. Enough is enough.

 The money goes from Ottawa back to the other Provinces because those people who are tax paying citizens living in those provinces pay Ottawa the very taxes that the Provinces get back from Ottawa to begin with.

 Why is it so hard for the people of 1st and Six Nations to accept how a tax based governing system works when the First and Six Nations do not contribute taxes to Ottawa yet attempt to demand money from Ottawa because First and Six nations people are suffering without the obviously more successful, than the First and Six nations, Canadian tax based governing system? If the Canadian governing system were not as successful as the First and Six Nations, then the First and Six Nations would not have to keep trying to demand money from the Canadian Government. It must reveal by now to the First and Six Nations that the Canadian tax based governing system is not so bad, it is working for those who pay taxes and can't be that bad if the First and Six Nations keep attempting to demand tax dollars because the First and Six Nations are obviously suffering for not choosing to become a part of Canada's tax based governing democracy in the first place and all these years later still to this day. First and Six Nations must realize that choosing land claims instead of Canadian governing, is not as successful as the Canadian government quite obviously proves to be!

 I would absolutely love too see us all live as equal tax paying citizens with equal opportunity to make something of ourselves as individuals and as a country together. It would be nice to see the First and Six Nations admit and act upon the potential we have to become strong as a Country together. It would be nice to see MP's, MLA's, MPP's rise from what are for now called land claims or reserves as Canadian tax paying / communities where everyone pays taxes like all other citizens of Canada and again reap the rewards of participating in the tax based governing system thus helping us all progress together as a Country with everyone on the inside. Think of the Impact with people, living for now on what are for now reserves, having the power to vote for their elected official to participate in the Canadian democratic process. The sooner the First and Six Nations acts in this positive direction, the sooner we can work together to shape out tax based governing democracy.

 The reason that they wanted Land to chief themselves hence the treaties, was because they wanted nothing to do with governing. So now all of these generations later 1/6 Nations expect Canadian governing services at tax payers expense while expecting land claims to remain valid?! If they want assistance from the Canadian tax based governing system fine but first give up land claims and start paying taxes like every other Canadian citizen and lets grow strong together as a country!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!

Canada Doesn't Pay 1 / 6 Natio

Side Score: 1

Canada Pays 1 / 6 Nations

Side Score: 0
1 point

I think I made it very clear in the beginning composition why Canada should definitely not fund the 1 / 6 Nations. They wanted nothing to do with government, now all these generations later they seem to think that not only are they entitled to tax free land claims but also now are entitled to services from a the democratic tax based governing system that they wanted nothing to do with which is why they have tax free land claims to begin with.

I will also include that this what I shared of a conversation I had with an Canadian elected governing official who is also of the First nations. I wanted to include both sides to clearly demonstrate but unfortunately this site only allows 5000 characters when posting a debate.

Side: Canada Doesn't Pay 1 / 6 Natio
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